Monday, September 24, 2012

Your Wedding: Who Pays For What?

Forget the archaic rule that says certain people have to pay for certain things. The bride's parents need not take out a a huge loan from the office cooperative to pay for the wedding, and the groom's parents are not off the hook either. Besides, the two of you might even be covering a good chunk of the expenses yourselves. The best way to work it out? Sit down with pencil, paper, and calculator and figure out what you really want and can afford. Keep in mind that informal weddings are usually smaller (and therefore cheaper), and formal weddings tend to be larger (and therefore more expensive)
Here's a list of the traditional costs for everyone involved -- but remember, these "rules" are made to be broken!

Bride’s family pays for engagement, church or mosque ceremonies.

Groom’s family pays for the marriage certificate and registry fee.

Bride and family pay for bride's dress, veil, accessories, and trousseau (read: lingerie and honeymoon clothes).

Groom and family to pay for the honey moon.

Bride and family pay for all wedding photos and video.

Groom hosts and plans bachelors' eve.

Bride and family pay for all professional services, including food, drink, decorations, and music.

Bride and/or her family pay for groom's ring.

Groom and/or his family pay for both of the bride's rings.

Bride and family pay for invitations, announcements, and wedding programs.

Bride and family pay for wedding transportation of bridal party to and from ceremony and reception.

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